Rock Hill Uber Accident Attorney

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The popularity of ridesharing services like Uber, Lyft, and others has turned them into big businesses operating in almost everywhere.  That means major cities and smaller towns alike. They are fast replacing the more traditional public transport and taxi services, successfully competing on price and convenience. The increasing popularity of these ridesharing services has increased the need fora Rock Hill Uber accident attorney.
While Uber and Lyft do decrease drunk driving statistics they do not decrease overall car accidents. It is important to remember that the drivers for these companies are no more skilled at driving than you or I. The car accident lawyers at Ted A. Greve & Associates know how to deal with the complicated process of getting compensation from an Uber accident. If you have been involved in an Uber accident, whether a passenger or driver, call us today and see how we can help.

How Does Ridesharing Work?

These services came to us with the digital age and depend on the omnipresence of mobile devices. All a customer has to do is order a ride via an app and direct the nearest driver to their location. They can track the driver’s progress via GPS and pay the fare through the app. It’s time-saving and appealing to switch your previous public transport and personal driving habits to an Uber or a Lyft.
But ridesharing is no different than other modern industries that have grown too fast for regulations to catch up with. This, in many cases, creates many murky legal corners yet to be fully clarified.  Among the more prominent ones are compliance with local and airport regulations and insurance coverage.
So what happens in the event of accident or injury involving one of these ridesharing services?

A sign indicating a rideshare pickup location.
The insurance claims process after an Uber accident is complex. Let Ted A. Greve & Associates take care of it for you.

Why Hiring An Uber Accident Attorney in Rock Hill Makes A Difference

When accidents occur, it is of paramount importance to determine liability. Even then, the at-fault party and your insurance may only go so far in covering your expenses.  This means additional stress and worrying about money at a time when all you want to do is get better.
With accidents that happen in new forms of transport such as ridesharing, things get additionally complicated.
This is where it becomes crucial to have an experienced and dedicated personal injury lawyer on your side. They can untangle all those confusing circumstances and regulations in order to determine liability and ensure that you receive fair compensation.

Why Claims Get Denied

Traditional taxi services provide vehicles for their drivers and cover associated insurance and maintenance costs. Drivers working for Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, and others are independent contractors using their cars and carry personal auto insurance. And while Uber steps in with supplemental coverage, there are scenarios leaving injured customers unable to collect their insurance claim.

One common hurdle is a provision adopted by many insurance companies that can result in refusal to pay compensation claims. This outcome is possible if it is determined the driver received money for the service of transporting the passenger. This is based on a precaution found in most personal car insurance policies that excludes liability in some cases. Notably, if the accident happened while the vehicle was “being used to carry persons for a fee.” And that’s regardless of who the guilty party was, or how severe the injuries.
Not all ridesharing services are equal in this way. At this time, only Uber adds commercial liability insurance to their driver’s auto insurance to amend the situation.
There are other scenarios where it becomes very useful to have a skilled Uber accident attorney from Rock Hill in your corner. For example, if a ridesharing car injures as a pedestrian. In 2013, a child was killed at a crosswalk by an Uber driver who at the time had no passenger in his vehicle. This was something that the company used to argue that he was at that point, not in their service. However, the family’s lawyer was able to prove the driver was using the Uber app at the time to look for the next customer. This behavior not only distracted him but also eventually forced Uber to change its rules.
The company extended additional insurance liability to drivers who are actively using the app at the moment of the accident. This now applies regardless of whether the vehicle was transporting passengers at the time.
Sadly, other ridesharing services are yet to introduce similar policies.

Where To Turn For Help

If you are injured in an accident in Rock Hill, SC involving a ridesharing service vehicle, seek assistance right away from the nearest medical facility. Some major hospitals in the Rock Hill area include:

The next order of business may be to consult a lawyer to make sure you are fairly compensated for any injury, repairs, distress, and medical bills. You can call Ted A. Greve & Associates immediately for a free consultation with experienced, compassionate, and dedicated personal injury attorneys.