Augusta Wrongful Death Lawyer

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The term “wrongful death” is legally defined as the death of an individual caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentional act of another. Surviving family members or the executor of the victim’s estate can file wrongful death claims. In Georgia, however, there are strict statutes that govern over this type of lawsuit. An Augusta wrongful death lawyer at Ted A. Greve & Associates will be well aware of the relevant statutes and make sure that everything is handled as it should be.

Losing a loved one is hard enough on its own. When that death occurs as a result of someone else’s actions, your pain will only be compounded. The majority of wrongful deaths occur in car accidents, often involving a driver under the influence, and a car accident lawyer in Augusta will be able to help you pursue a claim in accordance with the applicable driving laws. In 20+ years of experience, our attorneys have handled all types of cases and are ready to put that experience to use for you. Call our offices today at (844)387-8677 and speak with one of our wrongful death experts. They know the pain you are suffering through and will stop at nothing to get you the justice that you deserve for the loss of your loved one.

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Who is Entitled to File a Wrongful Death Claim Under Georgia’s Laws?

Georgia’s wrongful death statutes state that the deceased person’s spouse is entitled to file a claim on behalf of him or herself and the surviving children. According to the statute, the spouse should receive no less than one-third of the total winnings of the claim, while the remainder will be divided between the deceased’s living children. If the deceased person’s spouse refuses to sue the negligent party, however, the children are not entitled to file a claim even if they would like to.
Illegitimate children and common-law spouses may also file for a wrongful death claim as long as they fit the criteria that specifically apply to this type of case. If the deceased was single and had no children, surviving parents or the victim’s executor of the estate can file suit.

Augusta Wrongful Death Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are almost 225,000 people killed each year due to unintentional injury. The CDC has classified unintentional injury as the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Motor vehicle accidents cause the most unintentional injury deaths, taking the lives of more than 45,000 people annually. Falls are the second most frequent cause of fatalities, responsible for killing more than 44,000 people each year.

If you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, contact a wrongful death lawyer to find out what legal recourse you may have.

What Can Be Recovered From a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Naturally, wrongful death lawsuits will include reimbursement of any medical expenses that the deceased may have incurred before succumbing to death, as well as funeral and burial expenses. However, there are also other items that may be included in the calculation of the claim amount.
Georgia’s wrongful death statutes define recoverable damages as the “full value of the life of the decedent without deducting for any of the necessary or personal expenses of the decedent had he lived”. This is where the calculations can get a bit complicated due to several factors that come into play, including earning potential, possible salary increases, and inflation.
Ted Greve Augusta Wrongful Death Infographic
Loss of companionship, protection, as well as parental guidance,  will also be taken into account. Seeing as these factors are almost impossible to convert to monetary units, judges usually ask the jury to award the surviving family the amount that they see fit. According to Georgia laws, pain and suffering are not included in the list of recoverable damages for wrongful death claims, as only the deceased person experienced this.

The amount that can be recovered is also impacted by who the claim is against. An individual will have fewer resources than an institution, such as a hospital in the case of a medical malpractice wrongful death case, limiting the amount that can be recovered.

Two people meeting over legal forms.
Contact Ted A. Greve & Associates to seek compensation for your wrongful death claim.

Hire a Ted A. Greve & Associates, P.A.  Augusta Wrongful Death Lawyer to Represent You

Ted A. Greve & Associates, P.A. has vast experience in handling wrongful death claims. While the firm’s attorneys understand that money will not make up for the loss of their clients’ loved one, it can surely make moving on with their lives a little bit easier because they will not have to worry about suffering financially. This is why they strive to obtain maximum compensation for their clients’ loss.
If you have lost a loved due to wrongful death, call (844)387-8677 for a free consultation. The attorneys at Ted A. Greve & Associates, P.A. will evaluate your case and discuss your options with you without obligation. Furthermore, they work on a contingency fee agreement, which means they do not get paid until they’ve won your case and you’ve received your claim.