Dog Bite Lawyer Augusta, GA

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Most people think of dogs as man’s best friend, but when an untrained or vicious dog attacks you, it’s easy to see the animal as the enemy. Being bitten by a dog is a frightening experience and can lead to permanent disability or disfigurement. If you’ve been bitten by a dog or mauled by someone’s pet, you do have legal options to demand compensation for your injuries. Many people may not realize how many rights they have, but our Augusta, GA dog bite lawyer from Ted A. Greve & Associates can walk you through the claim process and help you recover and move on from the attack.

Your Rights After Being Bitten By A Dog In Georgia

In Georgia, dogs are considered property; therefore, the dog’s owner is liable for any harm their dog causes another person or pet. If you’ve been bitten by a dog, you could have had serious injuries. Bites are notoriously hard to suture, as they have ragged edges and the teeth often penetrate deep into the muscle tissue, sometimes reaching the bone. This, coupled with a high risk of infection and even a risk of rabies, means that even a “mild” dog bite can do serious damage.

In addition to physical harm, many people who have been bitten or mauled by a dog suffer serious psychological harm, too. The terror of being attacked could cause a victim to develop situational anxiety or depression if they are permanently disabled, scarred, or disfigured. You deserve to be compensated for all your losses, both tangible (like medical bills) and intangible (the emotional trauma and pain and suffering from your injuries). A lawyer can help guide you through the claims process so you can heal.

What Does An Augusta Dog Bite Lawyer Do?

Dog bite personal injury claims may be more contentious than many other types of cases. Victims may often be blamed for the accident, especially if the dog is deemed vicious and must be put down. But, you have rights and deserve to be able to walk around outside safely without worrying about being attacked. Dog owners have a responsibility to ensure the safety of others by leashing their dogs as directed by municipal law and keeping vicious dogs contained on their property.

Georgia dog bite laws are complex and follow a “modified one bite rule.” For owner liability. An attorney can examine the dog’s behavioral history to see if it’s known to be vicious and fight for maximum compensation. Your lawyer can also act as a shield between you and the dog owner, communicating with them on your behalf so you can heal in peace.

Do You Need Help After A Dog Mauling?

If you’ve been bitten by a dog, you have the chance to demand fair compensation for your physical injuries and any emotional trauma you experienced from the attack. Being attacked is traumatizing, and the owner of a poorly trained animal should be held accountable. Contact Ted A. Greve & Associates today for a free consultation with an Augusta dog bite lawyer.

Negligence In Dog Bite Cases

In the realm of pet ownership, particularly with dogs, there’s a considerable responsibility placed on owners to ensure the safety of others. Despite the joy and companionship dogs bring, situations may arise where an individual suffers a bite due to a dog’s actions. This unfortunate occurrence often stems from several forms of negligence on the part of the dog owner. Recognizing these forms of negligence is crucial for understanding the dynamics of such incidents and fostering a safer environment for both humans and pets .If you or someone you love is injured by a dog, you need to reach out to an experienced Augusta, GA dog bite lawyer from Ted A. Greve & Associates right away. You do not want to miss the statute of limitations for filing, and you deserve to get compensation. 

Inadequate Supervision

A common factor leading to incidents is the lack of proper supervision. Dogs, by nature, are curious and can sometimes be unpredictable. When left unsupervised, especially in areas accessible to the public or in unfamiliar territories, the likelihood of a bite incident increases significantly. Owners must ensure constant and attentive supervision when their pets are in potentially provocative or unfamiliar situations to prevent any unwanted occurrences.

Failure To Properly Train And Socialize

Training and socialization are critical components of responsible dog ownership. A dog that hasn’t been adequately trained or socialized may react aggressively out of fear, confusion, or the instinct to protect its territory. Owners are responsible for providing their pets with the necessary training to behave appropriately around people and other animals, reducing the risk of aggressive behavior.

Not Securing The Dog In Public Areas

Another aspect of negligence involves the failure to properly secure dogs in public areas. Leash laws and similar regulations exist to protect the public and pets by preventing dogs from roaming freely in places where they might feel threatened or become aggressive. An owner who disregards these laws not only puts others at risk but also their pet. This may seem like a simple case, but it is important to enlist the assistance of an Augusta dog bite lawyer to make sure you get the proper amount of compensation. 

Ignoring Breed-Specific Legislation And Requirements

Certain jurisdictions have breed-specific legislation or requirements aimed at minimizing the risks associated with specific dog breeds that are considered more prone to aggressive behavior. When owners ignore these regulations, they not only disobey the law but also expose the community to potential dangers. Compliance with local laws and understanding breed-specific traits and needs are paramount in preventing incidents.

Not Addressing Known Aggressive Behavior

Owners who fail to address known aggressive behavior in their dogs contribute significantly to bite incidents. This negligence can stem from a refusal to acknowledge the dog’s behavior as problematic or a lack of effort to seek professional help in managing and correcting the behavior. Awareness and proactive management of a dog’s aggression are essential in safeguarding others. Sometimes, a dog may have had several incidents. This may make your case even easier to win. 

Encouraging Aggressive Play

Encouraging dogs to engage in aggressive play can inadvertently teach them that biting and aggressive behavior are acceptable. This can lead to confusion and potentially aggressive reactions in situations that the dog perceives as play or when feeling threatened. Owners should promote positive play behaviors and discourage any form of play that mimics aggression.

The Path Forward

The safety of individuals and the well-being of pets are paramount. Recognizing and addressing the various ways in which dog owner negligence can lead to bite incidents is a critical step in preventing these unfortunate situations. Owners have a responsibility to ensure their dogs are well-trained, properly supervised, and that they comply with local laws and regulations regarding pet ownership.

For those who have suffered due to a dog bite, understanding your rights and the avenues for recourse is essential. Seeking professional guidance can provide clarity on the steps to take following an incident. If you find yourself in such a situation, reaching out for advice from an Augusta dog bite lawyer from Ted A. Greve & Associates can help you navigate the legal landscape and ensure that your rights are protected. Taking action not only aids in personal recovery but also contributes to broader efforts in promoting responsible pet ownership and safer communities.

8 Ways Landlords Are Liable For Dog Bites

Landlords can be held liable for dog bites that occur on their property under certain circumstances. It’s essential to understand the legal principles that govern landlord liability in dog bite cases. According to our Augusta, GA dog bite lawyer here at Ted A. Greve & Associates, there are a few things you should know about liability in dog bite cases if you are renting:

  1. Knowledge Of Dangerous Dogs: Landlords may be held liable for dog bites if they have knowledge of a tenant’s dangerous dog on the premises. This includes situations where the landlord is aware of previous aggressive behavior or complaints from neighbors about the dog’s behavior. It is important that landlords address dangerous dog claims immediately to protect all tenants.
  2. Failure To Take Action: If a landlord fails to take reasonable steps to address the presence of a dangerous dog on their property, they may be held liable for any injuries caused by the dog. This can include failure to enforce pet policies, neglecting to investigate complaints, or allowing known dangerous dogs to remain on the premises. It must be proven, of course, that the landlord knew previously that the dog was causing issues which can be established through documents, videos, and witnesses.
  3. Lease Agreements And Pet Policies: Landlords can help mitigate their liability for dog bites by including specific language in lease agreements and pet policies. This may include restrictions on certain breeds, requirements for vaccination and licensing, and provisions for eviction if a tenant’s dog becomes a nuisance or threat to others.
  4. Premises Liability Laws: Landlords also have a duty to maintain safe premises for their tenants and visitors. This includes taking reasonable steps to prevent dog bites, such as repairing fences or gates, providing adequate lighting, and posting warning signs in areas where dangerous dogs are present.
  5. Exceptions To Liability: There are some exceptions to landlord liability for dog bites, such as situations where the landlord had no knowledge of the dangerous dog or where the tenant’s actions were the primary cause of the injury. Our Augusta dog bite lawyer can assess the specifics of your case to determine liability.
  6. Insurance Coverage: Landlords may have insurance coverage that can provide compensation for dog bite injuries. However, insurance policies vary, and coverage for dog bites may be limited or excluded altogether. Our legal team can review your landlord’s insurance policy to determine the extent of coverage available.
  7. Legal Recourse For Victims: If you’ve been injured by a dog bite on rental property, you may have legal recourse against both the dog owner and the landlord. Our experienced attorneys can help you understand your rights and pursue compensation for your injuries and damages. There are many factors that go into this from the breed of dog to where exactly the bite occurred, but knowledgeable attorneys can help you navigate all of these.
  8. Proving Landlord Liability: Proving landlord liability for dog bites can be complex and requires evidence to establish knowledge of the dangerous dog and failure to take reasonable steps to address the situation. Our legal team has the skills and resources to gather evidence and build a strong case on your behalf.

If you have questions about landlord liability for dog bites or need assistance with a dog bite claim, don’t hesitate to contact us at Ted A. Greve & Associates. Our GA dog bite lawyers are here to provide knowledgeable legal guidance and advocacy to help you seek the compensation you deserve.

Augusta Dog Bite FAQs

A dog attack can leave you with lasting injuries and lasting trauma, but your dog bite lawyer can help you get compensation and closure. At Ted A. Greve & Associates, we have the legal and medical knowledge required to help you through your case – in fact, we even have a chiropractic physician on our team. Read on to learn a little more about dog bite claims:

What Types Of Compensation Can I Claim After A Dog Bite?

Victims of dog bites may be eligible to claim various types of compensation, depending on the severity of their injuries and the circumstances of the incident. These can include medical expenses for treatments directly related to the bite, such as emergency room visits, medication, and any necessary surgery or rehabilitation.

Compensation for lost wages if the injury has impacted your ability to work, as well as for pain and suffering, are also common. In severe cases, you may also be entitled to compensation for long-term disability or disfigurement.

Who Can Be Held Liable For A Dog Bite?

In most cases, the dog’s owner can be held liable for a bite if it can be demonstrated that they were negligent or that the dog had known dangerous propensities. Some states have a “strict liability” rule, meaning the owner is responsible regardless of whether they were aware of the dog’s propensity to bite. Your Georgia dog bite lawyer can fill you in on the specifics.

How Can I Prove The Owner’s Liability In A Dog Bite Case?

Proving liability in a dog bite case typically involves demonstrating that the owner knew or should have known that the dog had a tendency to cause injury or that they were negligent in controlling or securing the dog. This can be supported by showing previous incidents of aggression, complaints to authorities about the dog, or failure to adhere to local leash laws. Witness statements and police or animal control reports can also be pivotal in establishing the owner’s liability.

What Medical Documents Should I Collect For A Dog Bite Claim?

To support a dog bite claim, it is important to collect all relevant medical documents that relate to your treatment. This includes hospital admission forms, doctors’ notes, prescriptions, and any records of follow-up care. Documentation should detail the extent and nature of your injuries, the treatment required, and any recommendations for ongoing care. It’s also a good idea to keep records of all related expenses, including receipts for medical supplies and payments for services like physical therapy.

Can I File A Lawsuit If My Child Was Bitten By A Dog?

If your child was bitten by a dog, you can file a lawsuit on their behalf. Children are often more vulnerable to severe injuries from dog bites, and the law typically provides strong protections for minors in these cases. It’s important to get in touch with a legal professional as soon as possible.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one has suffered from a dog bite, know that you are not alone. Ted A. Greve & Associates are here to help ensure that you receive the necessary legal guidance and compensation. Contact us today, and see how an Augusta dog bite lawyer from our team can show you the way forward.