Just like most other companies, insurance companies hate to part with their money. This is even truer toward the end of the year. There are a lot of insurance claims that come in at the end of the year. A lot of people get into more accidents as the weather gets colder. They also get into more accidents because so many more people are on the road this time of year. This means that, when you submit your car insurance claim, there’s a good chance your claim could be denied. A claim that would’ve been paid in the summer may get denied in December. This doesn’t mean that it won’t ever be paid. It just means that the insurance adjuster may be trying to buy some time. It’s in their best interest to carry the case over to the New Year.
Don’t let this discourage you. If you suffered damages, you’ll still have a claim for damages. It just means your car crash attorney in Atlanta, GA may have to file a lawsuit on your behalf.
There are Several Reasons Why Your Insurance Company May Deny Your Car Insurance Claim
The last thing you want to hear after your crash is that your claim has been denied. While this can be frustrating, there are reasons why your claim may be denied, including:
- The other driver didn’t keep up with the payments on their insurance policy
- The policy is invalid for some reason
- The car involved in the crash wasn’t listed on the policy
- You didn’t submit the required information
- The insurance company thinks you caused the crash
- They don’t believe you were actually injured
Depending on the reason, it may be difficult to appeal to your car insurance claim. For example, if the policy was invalid for any reason, the company isn’t going to pay the claim. They would go out of business if they paid every claim.
Your Attorney May Be Able to Negotiate a Settlement For Your Car Accident Claim
Just because your claim is initially denied, it doesn’t mean it won’t settle down the road. Your Atlanta car accident lawyer will continue to negotiate a settlement of your claim throughout the rest of the year.
Keep in mind, however, if you wait a few more months, you may get a larger settlement. This is for several reasons, including:
- The insurance company can build your settlement proceeds into next year’s finances
- The insurance company and defendant’s lawyer won’t think you’re desperate for money before the end of the year
- It gives your Atlanta car accident lawyer more time to negotiate a settlement
Once your car accident lawyer in Atlanta finalizes settlement negotiations, you can breathe a sigh of relief. It will still be a few weeks or months before you get your check, but there will be light at the end of the tunnel.
Your Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer Will Demand Certain Damages
If you suffer serious injuries, in your car accident, your attorney will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. To do this, they need to be able to prove your car accident damages:
- Medical Bills: If you need surgery or any other medical treatment, the defendant should be liable for these expenses. Your attorney will need to submit copies of all your medical bills.
- Lost Wages: As long as you miss more than a couple of weeks from work, you may have a claim for lost wages. You’ll just need to show just how much time you missed and what it was worth. This can be done using timesheets or payroll records.
- Property Damage: If your car was damaged in the crash, you can submit receipts for any repairs you needed to get done.
- Pain and Suffering: If you suffer serious injuries, you may be entitled to damages for physical and mental anguish.
The good news is that your car accident lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia will fight to get you as much money as possible.
Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia
With so many more people on the road, there’s a higher chance of getting into an accident this holiday season. A lot of people are out there frustrated with how far behind the are on their holiday shopping. Frustrated shoppers are risky drivers and they can easily cause a car accident.
After a holiday car crash, you need a lawyer on your side. Call today and schedule your initial consultation. It’s absolutely free and you pay nothing until your case settles. You can get the peace of mind you need and let your car crash lawyer in Atlanta, GA deal with the legal side of things.