Charlotte Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

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Getting involved in an accident is among the most devastating things that can happen to you. It gets even more painful if the other party behind the wheel was driving while intoxicated. In such a scenario, losses and injuries suffered would have been avoided if the driver was sober. Sadly, drunk drivers cause thousands of accidents annually that have killed hundreds of people and injured thousands more on our North Carolina roads. Drunk driving is a negligent and reckless decision. Any driver endangering the lives of others in such a manner should be held accountable for their actions.

If the drunk driver who caused you or a loved one catastrophic or severe injury was arrested for DWI or DUI after your accident, it should be easy to get recompense, right? Well, think again. Drunk driving cases aren’t as straightforward as most people presume. You will need a professional Charlotte drunk driving accident lawyer by your side to help navigate the murky waters of the legal system on your path to getting financial reimbursement for injuries sustained in the crash. Saying the wrong words in your testimony may prove to be detrimental to your lawsuit or injury claim. We at Ted A. Greve & Associates have the experience and personnel that can help build an airtight drunk driving accident case.

We understand that nobody really knows when they may be the victim of a drunk driving accident. That’s why our highly trained support staff at Ted A. Greve & Associates are always available 24/7 to provide a professional and personalized service whenever you need. If you or a cherished one has been involved in a drunk driving accident in Charlotte, North Carolina, we can help you seek recompense to help with your recovery. Call our car accident attorneys to get the justice you so deserve.

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North Carolina’s BAC Limit

Drunk driving is illegal in North Carolina and throughout the U.S. This is why motorists in North Carolina need to know the legal consequences of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. North Carolina law describes drunk driving as ‘impaired driving’ with the charge given as driving while impaired (DWI). North Carolina prohibits a vehicle’s operation while under the influence of alcohol higher than the per se impairment level.

Having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or above is what North Carolina describes as impaired driving. Commercial drivers are held to a higher standard with regard to drunk driving, with the limit being 0.04%. You should know that North Carolina has zero-tolerance laws prohibiting drivers under the age of 21 from operating a vehicle with alcohol in their system.

Ted Greve Charlotte Drunk Driving Accident Infographic

North Carolina Drunk Driving Accident Statistics

The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles reported that:

  • There were 11,345 DUI accidents throughout the state in a year.
  • These accidents caused 7,602 injuries and 411 fatalities.
  • Alcohol-related accidents account for 28.5% of all traffic deaths.
  • Most of the fatalities are caused by lane departure, which accounts for 52.3% of all fatal crashes in North Carolina.
  • DWI accidents skyrocket during the holidays. 63% of traffic mortalities over the New Year’s were alcohol-related.

Injuries that Are Commonly Associated with Drunk Driving Accidents

As aforementioned, drunk driving accidents cause a considerable amount of traffic fatalities every year across North Carolina. However, the survivors of impaired driving accidents usually sustain severe injuries in the process. Here are some of the common injuries affiliated with drunk driving crashes that our Charlotte drunk driving accident lawyers can assist with:

  • Open head wounds
  • Internal bleeding
  • Crash injuries or amputation
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord trauma with paralysis
  • Dislocated and broken bones
  • Internal organ damage
  • Disfigurement and significant scarring
  • Other severe back or neck injuries

In addition to the injuries mentioned above, our attorneys can assist clients who have suffered psychological and emotional damage caused by accidents and subsequent injuries. This encapsulates fear, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Man drinking beer while driving his car

What Should You Do After an Accident with a Drunk Driver?

Getting involved in a car accident can be overwhelming, especially if you sustain serious injuries. If you want to seek reimbursement from the liable driver, here’s what you should do to safeguard your case:

Call 911

North Carolina law states that any accidents resulting in death, injury, or over $1,000 in property damage should be reported.

Get the Other Party’s Info

Write down the contact information of the other driver, their name, and insurance details.

Talk to Witnesses

If anybody was around the accident scene when it occurred, talk to them about what they witnessed. Get their contact details and names so they can give a witness statement.

Take Photos

Make sure to take a lot of pictures of the scene. Photos always give a story and provide valuable insight into how the accident happened and who is at fault.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you sustained minor injuries, go to the hospital. They will conduct an evaluation and recommend you for additional treatment if need be.

Hire an Attorney

Reach out to Ted A. Greve & Associates’ law offices to talk with one of our Charlotte drunk driving accident attorneys. Victims you seek legal counsel are more likely to recover maximum compensation than those who don’t.

What Damages Can Victims Get from a Drunk Driving Accident in Charlotte?

Damages encapsulate all losses and expenses related to the accident. The two types of damages you’re entitled to in an insurance claim include:

Economic Damages

This refers to expenses like lost wages, medical fees, car repair costs, out of pocket expenses, and lost future earnings

Non-Economic Damages

These are intangible losses like loss of quality of life, suffering and pain, emotional and mental anguish, and mental or physical disability

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim in Charlotte, North Carolina?

Victims who have sustained an injury due to the reckless and negligent actions of an inebriated driver have a limited window to file litigation in the state of North Carolina. North Carolina’s statute of limitations for personal injuries is three years from the moment the accident happens. Drunk driving crash victims are given a three-year grace period to file a suit against the said reckless driver.

Failure to file a suit within this window will result in the accident victim forfeiting their claim, which means they will be unable to recover recompense for their losses and injuries sustained. In the case of wrongful death, the statute of limitations is two years, and hence any litigation against the alleged reckless driver must be filed within this two-year timeframe.

Charlotte drunk driving accident lawyer completing document for a claim

Why Do I Need a Lawyer?

A Charlotte drunk driving accident lawyer will help you with the following:

Case Preparation / Filing a Lawsuit

There’s a lot that goes into preparing a drunk accident lawsuit. Before filing a suit, you must have all the requisite documents proving that your injuries and losses resulted from the negligent driver. An attorney will assist you in gathering the necessary medical bills and records proving damages suffered, which can see the drunk driver’s insurer pay for all your medical costs. A lawyer can also help verify that you lost wages as a result of the drunk driving accident. Having a well-prepared case guarantees that you’ll win the lawsuit.

Settlement Negotiation

In a drunk driving case, there may be more than one party liable for your suffering. In such incidences, the liable party may not wish for the case to go to trial but instead opts to settle the case out of court. It is best if you had legal counsel to help prevent the negligent party from low-balling you out of your deserved settlement. An attorney will lead the negotiations and help determine if the offer is worth your injuries and suffering.

Trial Preparation and Representation

How you and your lawyer present yourself before a judge really matters. Having all the right facts and evidence on your side will only play to your advantage. A professional and experienced has been through this all before and knows the tricks that prosecutors and insurers use in court to void the lawsuit. A lawyer can advise you on what to say in your testimony and also represent you. Trial preparation assures that your case is protected.

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

We at Ted Greve understand how much of a setback an accident can cause. The trauma of sustained injuries, lost wages, and medical costs will for sure be detrimental to your overall financial freedom. This is why our drunk driving accident attorneys offer their services on a contingency basis, meaning that you won’t be needed to pay any fees until we have successfully secured your settlement.

Contact Our Charlotte Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers Today

If you live in Charlotte, North Carolina, and need a drunk driving accident attorney to guide you through the complex legal procedures synonymous with drunk driving cases, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our law offices of Ted A. Greve & Associates. We have dealt with thousands of drunk driving cases in Charlotte, North Carolina, and have assisted victims of drunk driving accidents in getting awarded with million-dollar settlements.

Ted A. Greve & Associates’ law offices can help mitigate the trauma that comes with being involved drunk driving crash by getting you the reimbursement you deserve to move on with life. Reach out to us at (800) 693-7833 to get a free case review and estimate today!