Charlotte Brain Injury Lawyer

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Brain Injury Lawyer Charlotte, NC

Brain Injury Lawyer Charlotte, NC - Close-up of doctor's handIf you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to someone else’s negligence, it is important to seek legal advice from a Charlotte, NC brain injury lawyer for more information about your case. Brain injuries can be devastating, leading to life-long medical complications and emotional struggles. A qualified lawyer can help you understand your legal options, assist you in filing a claim, and make sure that you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Learn more about the type of brain injuries a lawyer can represent, and then contact an lawyer at Ted A Greve & Associates for help.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a severe form of injury that can occur when a person experiences a sudden and violent blow to the head or body. TBIs can result in serious physical, mental, and emotional consequences, including coma, seizures, difficulty speaking, impaired memory and thinking, confusion, difficulty with problem-solving and reasoning, difficulty processing information, difficulty with coordination and balance, and paralysis. 


Concussions are one of the most common types of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Concussions occur when a person experiences a sudden jolt or blow to the head, which can cause the brain to move rapidly inside the skull. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bruise or swell, which in turn can lead to a variety of symptoms. The most common symptoms of a concussion include headaches, dizziness, nausea, blurry vision, and sensitivity to light or noise. In some cases, concussions can cause more serious long-term symptoms like difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, memory problems, irritability, depression, and emotional changes. It is important to seek medical attention if you have experienced a blow or jolt to the head, even if you don’t think it was serious. A doctor can perform tests to determine if you have suffered a concussion. If you believe negligent behaviors of another person or group led to your concussion, please consider speaking with our qualified Charlotte brain injury lawyer for guidance.

Post-Concussion Syndrome

Post-Concussion Syndrome is a collection of symptoms that can occur after someone has suffered from a traumatic brain injury. It can manifest in both physical and psychological ways. Some common physical symptoms of post-concussion syndrome include headaches, fatigue, dizziness, vision problems, difficulty with concentration, memory problems, and sensitivity to light and sound. Psychological symptoms can include depression, anxiety, irritability, personality changes, and difficulty regulating emotions.  Unfortunately, the effects of post-concussion syndrome can last long after the initial head injury. Symptoms can persist for weeks or even months after the injury. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to diagnose and treat any potential post-concussion syndrome. The goal of treatment is to alleviate the symptoms and help the individual return to their pre-injury level of functioning. Treatment may involve physical therapy, occupational therapy, medications, and/or counseling. 

Get Representation

A Charlotte brain injury lawyer from Ted A Greve & Associates can represent you in a wide variety of ways, including:

  • Filing a lawsuit against the person responsible for causing your injury
  • Negotiating a settlement with the other party’s insurance company
  • Appearing in court to argue your case
  • Collecting evidence to prove your claims
  • Interviewing witnesses who can testify on your behalf
  • Representing you at mediation and other dispute resolution proceedings
  • Advocating for you to receive fair compensation
  • Helping you to obtain the medical treatment and support services you need



Getting Help When You Have Suffered From a TBI

When you have suffered from a TBI as a result of an accident, you may feel hopeless. Brain injuries are serious and if left untreated, you may have a life-altering injury that affects how you operate every day. Even with the right medical treatment, you may not fully recover from a TBI. This is why it is crucial that you speak with a lawyer from Ted A Greve & Associates as soon as possible. What appears to be a minor concussion can quickly turn into something more severe that requires lifelong medical attention. Do not hesitate to reach out when you are ready to fight for compensation. 

What should you do following an accident where you hit your head? 

Even if you think you remember barely hitting your head after an accident, you should still seek help as soon as possible. It can take even a slight amount of force, banging, or hitting to damage your brain. Following an accident, you should first seek medical attention, and then consider speaking with an experienced Charlotte brain injury lawyer.  

  • Go to a doctor. If you are found unconscious at the scene of the accident, it is likely you won’t have a choice. Someone else may have already called emergency responders to take you to a hospital. If you are awake and active at the scene, you should seek help from a doctor. Your doctor will be able to examine you thoroughly and determine if there is a risk of a TBI. They can talk with you, monitor you, and watch you closely for symptoms. 
  • Undergo treatment. This means that when your doctor prescribes you medication, tells you to wear a neck brace, or wants you to get certain tests run, you listen to your doctor. You may file a claim and say you saw your doctor following an accident. Your doctor may have even diagnosed you with a TBI. However, if you do not follow through with the tests and treatments your doctor is asking of you, an insurance company will use this against you when you file your claim. 
  • Gather your medical records. This part can be traumatic for some people if they have to read doctor’s notes or see pictures after the accident can occur. No one wants to relive the accident again and again. However, it is important to get your medical records related to your accident and pass them on to your lawyer. If you find that thinking about the accident is especially difficult, it may also be time to seek therapy. Your lawyer can talk with you about recovering compensation for therapy related to your accident as well. 
  • Talking with a lawyer. TBIs are complicated. They may not show signs for hours after the accident but you may start noticing things are off a few days later. Speak with your lawyer about what you are going through following the accident and what compensation you will need depending on whether the TBI symptoms are temporary or permanent.

This can be an incredibly traumatic and difficult time for you. You should not feel alone during this process and you should feel that you have no one to rely on. Call Ted A Greve & Associates when you are ready to move forward with a claim. 

Contact a Charlotte brain injury lawyer at Ted A Greve & Associates for help if you have recently been injured.

Charlotte Brain Injury Statistics

According to the International Brain Injury Association (IBIA), an estimated 5.3 million Americans are living today with disability related to traumatic brain injury. Each year, 2 million more people sustain brain injuries, many due to the negligence of another party.

Even a minor brain injury can have a significant impact on a victim. To learn what legal options you may have under Georgia law for the losses you have suffered, call our office for a free consultation.

Brain Contusion

As your Charlotte, NC brain injury lawyer can explain, a brain contusion is essentially a bruise of the brain. This is frequently the result of a violent jolt or blow to the head that causes the brain to hit the inside of the skull. Contusions can heal without further intervention, but they can also suddenly turn into more serious issues, such as brain bleeding or blood clots. Symptoms of a brain contusion include repeated nausea or vomiting, loss of consciousness, persistent headache, dilation of pupils, inability to awaken from sleep, and clear fluid draining from ears or nose. If you have a brain injury due to being in a personal injury accident, please call us at Ted A. Greve & Associates for assistance. 

Acquired Brain Injury

Also referred to as a secondary brain injury, an acquired brain injury can happen without any direct impact to the head itself. This type of brain injury develops from another issue inside the body, such as not receiving enough oxygen, which can lead to reduced function of the brain. Any kind of personal injury accident that restricts the movement of blood or oxygen to the brain can cause an acquired brain injury. If you were involved in a car accident and stopped breathing for a minute until revived, this may cause an injury due to the lack of oxygen. 

Skull Fracture

A hard enough blow to the head can cause a skull fracture. This type of injury can accompany other forms of brain injury, such as concussions and contusions. Symptoms of skull fractures can entail bleeding from nose or ears, swelling at the injury site, or bruising on the head. You can suffer from a skull fracture anytime that you hit your head against something abrupt enough, whether that be while in a car accident or from a slip and fall accident. 


A coup-contrecoup means that the brain has been injured in two separate places, usually due to a hard blow to the skull. Your brain gets injured at the site of the direct blow, but can also be damaged when the force causes the opposite side of your brain to hit the skull interior. As an example offered by a Charlotte brain injury lawyer, if you were in a car accident and hit your head on one side hard enough to jolt the brain within the skull, you could sustain a contrecoup brain injury. 

Brain Penetration

When an object breaks through the barrier of the skull and hits the brain, this is considered a brain penetrative injury. Such injuries are often fatal, and those who do survive may have debilitating impacts to their physical ability and other capacities. For instance, if you are in a car crash, a brain penetration injury could occur from any item inside your vehicle or another car. This is especially true with collisions involving high speeds that can send metal parts flying with enough force to cause injury. 

Anyone who suffered a brain injury due to being in a personal injury accident, such as a car crash, slip and fall, or something else, is advised to contact a Charlotte brain injury lawyer at Ted A. Greve & Associates for further guidance.

Brain Injury Lawyer FAQs

How Does a Brain Injury Lawyer Help Me?

A dedicated Charlotte, NC brain injury lawyer will have an in-depth knowledge of the legal and medical issues related to traumatic brain injuries. This lawyer’s skilled advisory is highly valuable in order to build a strong case and ultimately achieve the best financial compensation possible on your behalf. Seasoned brain injury lawyers have great access to a wide range of resources, such as medical experts, investigators, and other professionals. They also have access to legal research databases and court filings that can be used to support the case. When you are facing large corporations or insurance companies regarding a brain injury, you want the best possible resources in your corner so that you will not be undercompensated. 


When Should I File My Head Injury Case?

You should technically file with a Charlotte head injury lawyer as soon as you can. In North Carolina, you can file your case up to three years from the date of the accident. However, the longer you wait to file may risk having a more well-rounded case. As time goes by, eyewitnesses may not have as clear of the memory of the event, and evidence may simply be harder to come by. Once you are medically stable, you should contact a head injury lawyer as soon as you can to begin the filing process. 


What is the Process of Working with a Brain Injury Lawyer?

The process of working with a brain injury lawyer usually begins with a free consultation, where you will discuss the nature of your accident and the evidence at hand. A skilled lawyer should be able to quickly determine if you have a strong case at hand and be able to explain what their legal strategy will be in a way that you can understand it. Once you hire your lawyer, they will begin investigating and researching the case, which may involve gathering medical records and expenses, interviewing eyewitnesses, and working with various experts to evaluate the severity of your injuries. The lawyer will then negotiate with the responsible party or their insurance company to try to reach a settlement. If a settlement cannot be reached, the case may go to trial. No matter the timeline, a great lawyer will work tirelessly by your side every step of the way. 


How Long Does it Take to Resolve a Brain Injury Case?

The length of time it takes to resolve a brain injury case can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Sometimes these cases can be rather straightforward, and the upfront evidence points to who or what the exact at-fault party is. In that event, a brain injury case may only take a matter of months. However, other cases may inevitably take years to resolve. It is imperative to work with a brain injury lawyer who can display realistic expectations about the timeline of the case and who is willing to work diligently to obtain a fair resolution as quickly as possible.


How Can I Find a Reputable Brain Injury Lawyer?

There are many ways to find a reputable Charlotte brain injury lawyer, including asking for referrals from friends or family members, searching online for lawyers in your area who specialize in traumatic brain injury cases, and consulting with legal organizations such as the Brain Injury Association of America. 

A dedicated brain injury lawyer, such as Ted A. Greve & Associates, can provide invaluable assistance to individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury due to the negligence or wrongful actions of another party. They can help evaluate the extent of the injuries, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent clients in court if necessary. Don’t hesitate to contact our offices today for a consultation on your brain injury case.