Employment Lawyer Charlotte, NC

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Your Dedicated Employment Attorney

If you are looking for legal advice related to employment law, then you need to contact our Charlotte, NC employment lawyer for help. A lawyer can help you with a wide range of cases, from contract disputes to workplace discrimination and beyond. There are many different cases a lawyer can represent, but we’ve put together a few examples for you. If any of these have happened to you, contact a lawyer at Ted A. Greve & Associates today for help.

Employment Lawyer Charlotte, NC

Table of Contents

Dealing With Sexual Harassment At Work

At Ted A. Greve & Associates, our Charlotte, NC employment lawyer believes that work should be a safe space for you to come to. You should get to work, see your co-workers, and put in your hours. Whether work is a place you feel is challenging and exciting or is simply a place to get your paycheck, you should not feel uncomfortable when you are around other employees or your employer. If there is someone who makes you and other employees feel uncomfortable, it is time to step out of your comfort zone and seek legal action. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable with the way they look at you, touch you, or talk to you, it is likely they are acting that way with others as well. 

Protecting You From Harassment

If you find that another employee is sexually harassing you in some way and you have notified your employer, they are obligated to do something about it. They should not tell you “boys will be boys” or that your co-worker does that with everyone. Every complaint of sexual harassment must be taken seriously or it cannot be weeded out and eradicated. You may have experienced sexual harassment if someone wants sexual favors in return for promoting you or giving you bonuses at work, threatens to demote or terminate you if you do not perform sexual favors for them, touches you inappropriately, makes sexually explicit jokes, uses certain language or calls you by certain names, exposes themselves to you or shows you sexually explicit photographs. It is not only unlawful for an employer to sexually harass their employees, but it is also unlawful for an employer to stand idly by if they know that an employee has sexually harassed you in some way.

Assistance With Your Claim

One of the reasons it is so important to have an experienced Charlotte employment lawyer by your side is that these cases can quickly become difficult. This can happen for a few reasons. The first is that it may simply be hard for you to talk about. You may feel dirty or embarrassed that this has happened. The harasser may also imply or explicitly state that this has happened because of something you did. You are the victim. You should be able to go to work without someone harassing you. It may be difficult for you to even discuss what has happened but please know that when you come to our office you are in a protected space.  The next reason these cases can be complicated is that without proof, they can become “he said, she said” kinds of cases. We will want to provide evidence that shows what has happened to you, whether it was from eyewitnesses, emails or texts, or security footage from your place of employment. While it can be difficult to relive what happened to you, we want to protect you–and others in the future–from this ever happening again. 

How Our Employment Lawyer Can Help You

When you choose our law firm, you gain an entire team of caring lawyers who are passionate about helping you receive the legal recourse that you deserve. We are committed to helping you to gain an outcome that is in your favor. You can expect us to do the following: 
  • Always keep your needs at the forefront
  • To protect your rights throughout the legal process
  • Be upfront and honest with you regarding where your case is headed
  • We will always put forth 100% when it comes to representing you
  • Be committed and professional during the time we are working together
  • You will always be able to reach us, by phone or in person to check in regarding your case
  • To make sure you are fully prepared should the opposing counsel depose you or you are required to appear in court
  • To help gather all the required documentation for your case
  • To move you through the legal process as quickly as possible
  • Provide you with case updates throughout

The Impact on Your Mental Health and Other Impacts of Harassment

Depending on the severity of the sexual harassment and the length of time that you had to endure it, the impact on your emotional health will vary. If you were in a hostile work environment or rejected a person’s sexual advances, the consequences could be serious. You may begin to experience issues with a lack of self-confidence, stress, anxiety, feelings of shame, depression, and more. When a person has to repeatedly experience harassment in the workplace on a daily basis there can be lasting emotional impacts. How you feel mentally usually impacts the way that you feel physically. As a Charlotte employment lawyer explains, you may experience physical symptoms such as loss of sleep, weight changes, loss of appetite, and other serious health problems. If you are experiencing one or more of the above symptoms, it will be important that you take care of yourself by seeking natural ways to cope that can include talking to someone you are close to, finding a mental health therapist, exercising, journaling your thoughts and feelings, doing things that you find enjoyable, and more.

Cases Our Employment Lawyer Can Assist With

  • Wrongful Termination
Wrongful termination is a form of workplace injustice that occurs when an employee is fired for illegal or unethical reasons. It’s important to understand the different laws and regulations protecting employees from wrongful termination. A lawyer can help workers understand their rights and fight for justice if they have been wrongfully terminated. Under North Carolina state law, employers are prohibited from terminating employees based on protected characteristics such as race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, or any other protected status. Additionally, North Carolina state law prohibits employers from firing employees in retaliation for filing a complaint or participating in a discrimination investigation.
  • Discrimination
When an employee experiences discrimination in the workplace, it can be incredibly damaging and damaging to their morale. A Charlotte employment lawyer can help represent these cases and ensure that justice is served. Discrimination can come in many forms including race, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, and disability. It is illegal for an employer to deny a job opportunity, promotion, or other workplace benefits due to any of these factors. It is important to note that filing a discrimination lawsuit can be a lengthy process, but it is worth it in the end if justice is served.
  • Retaliation
Retaliation is a form of unlawful discrimination in the workplace, where an employer takes an adverse action against an employee for engaging in a legally protected activity. A retaliation claim may arise when an employer disciplines, demotes, or even terminates an employee for reporting an alleged violation of law. In North Carolina, employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees who have complained about alleged violations of law in the workplace, such as sexual harassment, age discrimination, and wage and hour violations. Employees may also be retaliated against for other activities which are protected under the law. These activities can include filing a workers’ compensation claim, filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), testifying in proceedings related to the claims of another employee, refusing to commit illegal acts, or requesting reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Unpaid Wages
Workers have a right to be paid for the work that they do. Unfortunately, some employers may choose not to comply with their obligations to pay wages for services provided. The state follows both state and federal laws when it comes to minimum wage, overtime pay, hours worked, vacation pay, and other wage-related matters. It is important to note that there are different wage and hour rules that apply to specific kinds of employees, such as tipped employees or seasonal employees. When a worker believes that they have not been paid properly for the work they have done, they may be able to pursue legal action against their employer. Speak with an experience Charlotte employment lawyer from Ted A Greve & Associates for accurate guidance for your particular situation.

Charlotte Employment Law Infographic


Charlotte Employment Law Statistics

According to data from the National Law Review, a total of 61,331 charges were lodged with the EEOC in 2021. The breakdown of those charges includes:
  • Almost 60% of all the discrimination charges that year were related to retaliation.
  • From 1997 to 2018, the EEOC received a total of 1,889,631 complaints.
  • The state of Texas had the highest number of discrimination charges, accounting for 10.2% of the total.
  • Since 2013, LGBTQ+-based discrimination charges have surged by more than 144% each year.

Charlotte Employment Law FAQs

Does Sexual Harassment Only Occur Between Bosses and Employees?

When many people think about sexual harassment in the workplace, they likely imagine a person in the position of authority harassing a lower-ranking employee. While this does happen, sexual harassment can also happen between two co-workers. Whether you’re being sexually harassed by a supervisor or co-worker, you should report it immediately. Sexual harassment should never be tolerated.

If I Just Got Fired, Is It Too Late to Hire an Employment Lawyer?

No, not necessarily. In some situations, you may not be able to recognize that something is wrong until after you have been fired. An employment lawyer can investigate your case and determine if you have a viable claim or not. Although employers can fire employees at-will, it is against the law for an employer to fire someone based on their protected class, such as race, national origin, religion, age, gender or disability. If you have been fired for any of these reasons, you may have a case on your hands.

If I’m Always Passed Over for Promotions That Younger Employees, Can I Sue for Age Discrimination?

It can be frustrating to constantly be passed over for promotions you know you are qualified for. If you never get promoted while your younger coworkers do, you might wonder if you have an age discrimination claim. In this situation, it may be worth it to discuss your case with a Charlotte employment lawyer. Proving age discrimination can be tricky. A lawyer can help you gather the necessary evidence to prove your claim.

If I Just Got Fired, Is It Too Late to Hire an Employment Lawyer?

No, not necessarily. In some situations, you may not be able to recognize that something is wrong until after you have been fired. An employment lawyer can investigate your case and determine if you have a viable claim or not. Although employers can fire employees at-will, it is against the law for an employer to fire someone based on their protected class, such as race, national origin, religion, age, gender or disability. If you have been fired for any of these reasons, you may have a case on your hands.

Does My Employer Have to Accommodate My Disability?

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities. These accommodations shouldn’t give employers undue hardship. Common examples of accommodations for disabled employees may include changed job tasks, service animals, accessible parking and. modified work schedules. If your employer isn’t willing to offer you reasonable accommodations, you should talk to your lawyer. If you want to file an employment discrimination claim, you should schedule a consultation with a Charlotte employment lawyer from Ted A. Greve & Associate.

Ted A. Greve & Associates, Charlotte Employment Lawyer

1201 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28206

Contact Our Charlotte Employment Lawyer Today

Contact us today at Ted A. Greve & Associates. We are ready and waiting to hear from you. During your first initial consultation you can expect to go over the details of the harassment you experienced in the workplace. Once we have gathered all of the necessary information from you, a Charlotte employment lawyer can begin to determine if filing a lawsuit against your employer is the right next step.  If your employer is not treating you fairly, you may want to get in touch with a Charlotte, NC employment lawyer. You do not deserve to endure this kind of treatment any longer. A lawyer from Ted A. Greve & Associates can investigate your claim and advise you the best way to proceed.