The first modern-day taxicab was introduced to New York City in 1907. Over the years, while both the popularity of taxis along with private car services grew, most were thought of as a service only for the wealthy. The rest of the population either used public transportation or walked. During the Eisenhower Administration, the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act was signed into law. As our nation’s roadways continued to expand people became more dependent on their cars. Carpools and HOV lanes became popular during the 1970s due to the Arab Oil Embargo. Now as people begin searching for an easier, less stressful and less expensive mode of transportation, ride-sharing services including Uber, Lyft and Sidecar have popped up all across the country. This has lead to an increased need for the services of a Charlotte Uber accident lawyer.
Charlotte car accident lawyers can attest to the fact that while Uber may reduce drunk driving accidents, it does not necessarily mean a reduction in car accidents as a whole. Rideshare drivers are often not professionals, as you would expect from a taxi company. They may work another job, attempting to make extra money in their spare time by working for Uber or Lyft. The lawyers at Ted A. Greve & Associates are experts in dealing with the complicated process of obtaining compensation for an Uber accident. If you have suffered an injury in an Uber accident, call our office today at (844)387-8677 to schedule a risk-free case review. We will answer all of your questions and provide guidance as to how best to proceed with your case.
How do these ride-sharing services work?
For the customer, nothing could be easier. You simply download a specific company’s app to your smartphone. From the app, you hire a driver in your immediate area. While waiting for them to arrive you can track their progress via your phone’s GPS. Payment for the ride is also handled through the Uber app.
These services hire drivers as independent contractors who use their own vehicles and pay all their own costs including liability insurance. Because of the popularity of Uber and other ride-sharing services, this type of service is changing the face of public transportation. But as with all uncharted waters, there is uncertainty. At present, Uber and Lyft have been faced with lawsuits for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act, not complying with city and county regulations, disregarding airport regulations and not adhering to state insurance requirements.
Who is Responsible for an Uber accident?
Proving fault in an accident can be quite difficult. Nonetheless, the party at-fault is responsible for the accident, hence liable for everything. It’s however worth noting that, the passenger may not be at fault in this incident, hence is eligible for compensation. They should also be covered by corporate policies as indicated on the Uber websites.
Uber insurance kicks in from the minute the driver accepts a client’s call until the passenger alights from the car. UberTaxi, Uberblack, and UberSUV provide coverage under the company’s commercial insurance listed on the Uber website.
Are Uber Car Accidents Any Different from Other Accidents?
Multiple insurance policies are involved in a ridesharing accident – the policies involved include the driver, company, and the rider’s insurance policy. It’s only after hiring an attorney that many people will become aware of other insurance policies that may be in play in such a situation. You wouldn’t, however, know of these unless you were properly represented.
Like any other auto accident, injuries may not be apparent in an Uber accident. Although the insurance companies may want you to settle quickly, a good attorney will evaluate all the options and possibilities before choosing to settle. Rushing to settle may deny you a chance to get a handsome compensation for the damages.
How Can a Charlotte Uber Accident Lawyer Help Me?
Depending on the circumstances, Uber, their insurer, your driver and his insurer, may not pay your claim. Simply because of the number of parties involved, we strongly encourage you to seek legal representation. Both the ride-sharing and insurance companies have numerous attorneys on their side, so why shouldn’t you? Listed below are just a few of the many reasons your claim may be denied.
- While Uber drivers are required to carry personal auto insurance, almost all standard auto insurance policies contain the following exclusion, “for liability arising out of the ownership or operation of a vehicle while it is being used to carry persons for a fee.” If the driver’s insurance carrier can prove you paid the driver for his services, expect to have your claim denied. This can occur no matter who was at fault or how severe your injuries are. Currently Uber is the only ride-sharing company that provides additional commercial liability coverage for their drivers.
- Pedestrians often face a lengthy legal battle when injured by a ride-sharing driver. In 2013 a young child was killed by a distracted Uber driver. The family’s attorney determined the driver, while passenger-free at the time, was on his phone searching for his next Uber customer. This lawsuit was settled out of court in 2015 and caused Uber to now provide additional liability insurance for all its drivers. Unfortunately, Uber is the only ride-sharing service to do so at this time.
- In most cases when your injuries have exhausted the at-fault driver’s insurance limits, your automobile insurance coverage should continue to pay your medical expenses. But what happens when you deplete your coverage? You should be focusing on healing, not worrying about medical bills incurred because of someone else’s negligence.

If you have sustained injuries in an auto accident, it would be best to seek immediate medical attention. Major hospitals and other medical facilities in Charlotte, North Carolina include:
- Carolinas Medical Center – 1000 Blythe Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28203-5871 / (704) 355-2000
- Presbyterian Hospital – 200 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204-2528 / (704) 384-4000
If you are located in Charlotte, NC and have been involved in an Uber auto accident or any other rideshare service such as Lyft or Sidecar, contact a Charlotte Uber accident lawyer with Ted A. Greve & Associates today.
Call Ted A. Greve & Associates Today for a Risk-Free Case Review
Our experienced and dedicated attorneys make your physical injuries, mental and emotional distress, and personal property damage our number one priority. Call us today to schedule a FREE case evaluation. We are committed to getting justice for those injured at the hands of rideshare drivers.