What Kind of Information Do You Need to Bring to Your Initial Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer in North Carolina?

Client on a initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer

You’ve probably seen the commercials on television. Charlotte, NC personal injury attorneys near you promise to get you millions of dollars in damages if you file a lawsuit. They show clients they’ve helped in the past and swear that they got their clients more money than any other attorney would’ve gotten them. When, the truth is, you can only get the money that you’re entitled to. In order to do this, they need to know everything about your case. This is where the free initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer comes into play.

One of the reasons we recommend that you contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in Charlotte after your accident is so you can find out what sort of claim you have. Until you sit down with someone who’s handled dozens of cases just like yours, you have no idea what claim is worth. You may not even know if you have a valid legal claim or not.

While attorneys on television can make all sorts of promises, in the real world, no lawyer can promise you a thing. All they can do is promise to work hard and to try to get you as much money as possible. At the end of the day, they need to follow the law. And, they need to prove your damages.

Almost every North Carolina injury attorney will offer their clients a free consultation. This is so that you can sit down and figure out what kind of case you’re dealing with. There’s no point in hiring a lawyer until you know two things: First, that you actually have a case. And, second, that your attorney wants to represent you. Here, we’ll talk about what you should bring to your first meeting with your attorney.

Bring All Paperwork Related to Your Case to Your Free Initial Consultation

One of the most important things to know is that you should bring all relevant paperwork to your initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer. Even if you’ve talked to your lawyer in the phone, they won’t have a complete picture of what happened to you. They can review your papers and get a feel for what kind of case they’re dealing with. Some of this paperwork includes:

  • Any correspondence from the defendant or their attorney
  • The insurance claim denial letter
  • The police report, accident report or incident report
  • Any recent medical records related to your accident
  • Pictures of your injuries
  • Pictures of the accident scene
  • Screenprints of any text messages or social media posts related to the accident

Your Charlotte personal injury lawyer will need to review all of these things at your first meeting. This is what will determine whether or not they think you have a case. It will also be what they use to decide if they want to handle your case. Just like you have a choice to choose a North Carolina personal injury attorney, they have the choice to accept or deny your case.

Be Totally Upfront and Honest With Your North Carolina Injury Attorney

When you meet with your North Carolina injury attorney, be honest. The last thing you want is for your lawyer to be blindsided down the road. Be upfront and let them all the details of your case. If you had a pre-existing medical condition, let them know. If you were partially at fault, tell your lawyer. They can only prepare –and win – your case if they have all the facts. And, they need to know as much or more than the other side.

Schedule Your Free Consultation with an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer in Charlotte Today

If you’ve suffered any sort of injury, then, yes, you should call an experienced personal injury lawyer at Ted A. Greve & Associates. You are not a lawyer. And, while you might have friends who’ve sued people before, you don’t really know the law. This is why it’s important that you talk to someone who does know the law before you do anything.

Within a few days of your accident, you should call our office and schedule your free initial consultation. You can sit down with an attorney who has handled dozens of cases just like yours. They’ll answer any questions you might have. They can also give you an idea of what your case might be worth. The consultation is free and you don’t pay a dime until you settle your case. So, when it comes down to it, you really have nothing to lose.