Truck Accidents Caused by Malfunctions

truck accident lawyer Charlotte, NC

Vehicle Problems and Poor Maintenance

Truck accidents can have devastating consequences, often resulting in severe injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. While various factors can contribute to these accidents, one significant issue is vehicle problems and poor maintenance. Commercial trucks, like any other vehicle on the road, require regular maintenance and upkeep to ensure they are safe and roadworthy. Neglecting maintenance can lead to a host of problems, increasing the risk of accidents. If you have been the victim of a truck accident caused by a malfunction or poor maintenance, contact our Charlotte, NC truck accident lawyer today.

  • Brake Problems

Brakes are one of the most critical safety components of any vehicle, especially large commercial trucks. The weight and size of these trucks make them more challenging to slow down and stop. Therefore, any issues or malfunctions with the braking system can have catastrophic consequences. Some common brake problems that can contribute to truck accidents include:

Brake fade occurs when the brakes lose their effectiveness due to excessive heat build-up, typically caused by prolonged or repeated heavy braking. When a truck’s brakes fade, it significantly increases the stopping distance, making it difficult for the driver to bring the vehicle to a halt in a timely manner.

Brake failure can occur due to various reasons, including worn-out brake pads, leaking brake fluid, or malfunctioning brake lines. When a truck’s brakes fail, the driver may lose control of the vehicle, leading to a collision with other vehicles or objects on the road.

An imbalance in the braking system can cause uneven braking, resulting in unstable handling and increased stopping distances. This imbalance can occur when one set of brakes is worn or damaged more than the others, leading to reduced braking capacity.

  • Tire Problems

Tires play a crucial role in maintaining traction and stability on the road. However, when commercial truck tires are not properly maintained, they can contribute to accidents in several ways:

Tire blowouts occur when the tire suddenly bursts, usually due to issues such as underinflation, overloading, or worn-out treads. When a truck experiences a tire blowout, it can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle, resulting in a potentially catastrophic accident.

Tread separation refers to the separation of the tire’s tread from the underlying layers. This can occur due to various factors, including manufacturing defects, inadequate maintenance, or driving on underinflated tires. Tread separation can lead to sudden loss of control, particularly at high speeds, increasing the risk of accidents.

Hydroplaning occurs when a thin layer of water separates the tires from the road surface, leading to loss of traction and control. Commercial trucks are especially susceptible to hydroplaning due to their weight and the large surface area of their tires. Inadequate tire maintenance, such as improper tire pressure or worn-out treads, can significantly increase the risk of hydroplaning, especially in wet weather conditions.

  • Cargo Shifts

Improperly loaded or secured cargo can also contribute to truck accidents. When cargo shifts or becomes unbalanced during transit, it can affect the truck’s stability and maneuverability, increasing the risk of rollovers, jackknifes, or sudden lane changes. Some common causes of cargo shifts include:

  • Overloading

Overloading a truck beyond its maximum weight limit can lead to an unbalanced load, shifting the center of gravity and compromising the vehicle’s stability. This can make it challenging for the driver to control the truck, especially during turns and sudden maneuvers.

  • Improper Loading and Securing

When cargo is not properly loaded and secured, it can shift or fall out of the truck during transit. This can distract the driver, obstruct visibility, or create obstacles for other vehicles on the road, potentially leading to accidents.

Contact Our Charlotte Truck Accident Lawyer Today

For assistance with your truck accident case as you seek justice and recovery, contact our team at Ted A. Greve and Associates today to schedule a consultation.