Can I File a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Lawsuit for My Atlanta Car Accident?

The devastating experience of an Atlanta car accident can leave you feeling traumatized for a very long time. You may re-experience the tragedy both in your waking life and in your sleep. Or, you may avoid being on the road, making it impossible for you to work and socialize normally. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, when unchecked for long, can drastically affect your quality of life.

Anyone responsible for your accident injuries and trauma in Atlanta, GA should be accountable for them. Unfortunately, the more debilitating consequences of an Atlanta car accident are not necessarily fractured bones or deep bruises. As a recurring mental health condition, PTSD is potentially more perilous.

If a settlement does not work, you may proceed to file a lawsuit against a negligent party in Atlanta, GA. A car accident attorney can help you plan the best possible legal action to take for a PTSD claim.

How an Atlanta Car Accident May Result in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

According to one study, car accidents are one of the leading PTSD causes in the years following the Vietnam War. A serious Atlanta car accident can leave its victims severely disfigured and emotionally scarred for life. Even without outward signs of injury, an individual may develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms later on.

These symptoms can include extreme feelings of anxiety, fear when on the road or driving, and heart palpitations. During a PTSD attack, an individual may feel helpless as flashbacks of the accident begin one after the other.

While it is possible to overcome PTSD, healing cannot be possible without availing the right treatments. To begin moving forward from a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, you will need medical help.

If, however, someone can be held liable for your suffering, you have the right to seek for compensation.

A car accident attorney can help you obtain economic and non-economic compensation as a result of your PTSD condition.

The Need to File a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Lawsuit in Atlanta, GA

As much as possible, filing a lawsuit should be a last resort in dealing with an Atlanta car accident. A car accident attorney may even advocate for a settlement if the conditions are amenable to both parties.

However, filing for a lawsuit may be called-for in the following situations:

  1. Denied claim

The negligent party may deny your compensation claim for an accident-related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Despite clear proof substantiating their negligence and your resulting condition, they may still reject your claim. At this point, your car accident attorney may suggest that you file a lawsuit against the other party.

  1. Unfair settlement amount

You have entitlement to full compensation if the other party is primarily at fault for the Atlanta car accident. The insuring party of the at-fault driver, however, may present a settlement. This means that they can evade a court battle.

If your car accident attorney considers the settlement amount to be fair, you may proceed with the negotiation. Filing a lawsuit becomes an option, however, if the negotiation amount fails to fully compensate you and your losses.

  1. Gross negligence/malicious intent

The gross negligence of an irresponsible individual in an Atlanta car accident can be sufficient reason for a lawsuit. You may take the same action for cases where there has been willful intent to hurt another.

The consequences of your accident-prompted PTSD could negatively impact your career, personal, and family life. At this point, your car accident attorney may suggest filing a case against the erring parties.

Get in Touch with a Car Accident Attorney for your Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Claim in Atlanta, GA

A PTSD is a crippling mental condition that may affect your life in a number of ways. If an Atlanta car accident has triggered your PTSD, you have the right to get compensation.

It is not fair for a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to take over your life in Atlanta, GA.

Talk with an Atlanta car accident attorney at Ted A. Greve & Associates to begin an evaluation on your claim today.