Can You Receive Social Security Disability for Mental Illnesses in North Carolina?

Mental illnesses affect millions of Americans and their ability to gain willful employment. The social security program provides an opportunity to continue treating your illness while receiving social security disability benefits in Charlotte, NC, to financially support yourself.

Obtaining social security disability benefits in Charlotte, NC, can be difficult to procure as many individuals affected by mental illness can function and continue working despite their illnesses. The Social Security Administration is selective in approving social security disability benefits to individuals with mental illnesses and has a set of requirements to follow to receive benefit coverage.

Working with a Charlotte social security disability attorney can help you appeal your denial of disability benefits and get you the compensation you deserve for your illness. Your lawyer can determine your qualifications under the social security disability laws and make sure you have the proper information from your medical providers to prove the extent and limiting factors of your mental illness.

Common Types of Mental Illnesses for Social Security Disability in Charlotte, NC

There are a number of mental illnesses that the Social Security Administration recognizes for social security disability benefits in Charlotte, North Carolina. Each illness has a set of requirements to follow in addition to proving the limiting factors of your inability to work. A proper diagnosis of a mental illness must occur, and you need to receive medical treatment for your symptoms.

Some of the mental illnesses identified by the Social Security Administration include:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Autism
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Schizophrenia

What If My Mental Illness Isn’t Listed for Social Security Disability in Charlotte, NC?

Having a mental illness that is not recognized by the Social Security Administration does not mean that you cannot receive social security disability benefits in North Carolina. These illnesses are determined on a case-by-case basis and using a mental residual functional capacity determination. Your physician will need to complete a mental residual functional capacity form to show the extent and limiting effects of your mental illness. This will provide an accurate portrayal of the symptoms you suffer from and show your inability to work full-time. A Charlotte, North Carolina social security disability attorney can make sure your mental residual functional capacity form is filled out completely and accurately so that your social security disability benefits are approved as quickly as possible.

The Social Security Administration will also require a copy of your medical records to determine your mental residual functional capacity. They look at limiting factors such as:

  • Memory and understanding of information
  • Capability to follow directions
  • Management of behavior
  • Stress tolerance
  • Interaction and ability to get along with others
  • Concentration and capacity to perform responsibilities in a required timeframe
  • Adaptation to change
  • Daily living activities

Can a Social Security Disability Attorney in Charlotte, NC, Help Me?

Having a mental illness that is limiting in several categories improves your ability to receive social security disability benefits in Charlotte, NC. You will want to work with an experienced North Carolina social security disability attorney to ensure you have established your mental residual functional capacity properly.

Upon appeal of your case, you may need to openly discuss your mental illness and its impact on your life. It is important that you are also upfront with your doctors in discussing your mental residual functional capacity as your testimony and their records need to align to ensure you receive social security disability benefits.

Having a Charlotte disability attorney on your side in your disability case can be helpful during the appeal process. They can ensure you have the proper documentation from psychiatrists, psychologist, therapists, counselors, and social workers as well as any hospital stays you endured during your treatment. You will also need records of your pharmacy transactions to show proof of the medication you are currently taking to treat your mental illness. A gap in your medical history will also need explanation and a social security disability attorney in Charlotte, NC, can help you identify the reasons for this lack of treatment.

Seek Legal Counsel from a Charlotte, NC, SSDI Attorney Today

When looking to get approval for disability benefits, you need a social security disability attorney in Charlotte NC, to help you with your case. The lawyers at Ted A. Greve & Associates can provide you the assistance you need to secure your social security disability benefits and get the compensation you deserve for your mental illness. Contact us today to set up a consultation.