Can You Get Compensation for PTSD After an Automobile Accident?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is not something people usually associate with automobile accidents. Most accident cases focus on the physical, rather than psychological and emotional consequences of a crash. However, PTSD is linked to severe and life-threatening events. Those can include automobile accidents. If you’ve been in a wreck, your top priority is ensuring that all injuries are cared for. That includes PTSD, if necessary. An automobile accident attorney in Augusta, Georgia will fight to make sure you get the fair compensation you deserve.

Mental, emotional, and psychological issues are not uncommon after a serious injury. These can included anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Most accident victims are immediately concerned about the physical injuries. But your Augusta, Georgia attorney’s job is to think ahead and not overlook the non-physical impact of a car accident.

All accident victims can suffer at least some short-term mental or emotional difficulties. They may have nightmares for a while or be hesitant to drive. In cases where these problems don’t go away after a month or longer, PTSD could be to blame. A PTSD diagnosis is worth looking into if you have persistently experienced these and other issues following an accident:

  • Severe stress, anxiety, or depression
  • Nightmares that don’t go away
  • Purposeful avoidance of social situations
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Mood swings
  • Increased anger and irritability

Left untreated, these problems could worsen over time. They may also start to interfere with work, relationships, and your social life. Accident victims who experience PTSD can find it difficult to enjoy activities they once loved. The problem for many victims is that it can take time for these issues to manifest. They could go weeks or months after an accident and feel relatively well. Augusta, Georgia automobile accident attorneys understand that PTSD can take time to show itself. This is especially true when victims are focused primarily on recovering from their physical injuries.

Insurance companies want to settle accident cases quickly and cheaply. That’s especially true in severe or catastrophic accidents. The insurance company is not interested in waiting until a proper diagnosis is made. And if your settlement doesn’t include damages for PTSD, you won’t get a chance to ask for them later. Before you speak with the insurance company, speak with a Augusta, Georgia accident attorney.

You may need professional help if you’ve started showing PTSD symptoms. This can include long-term therapy, counseling, and prescription medications. Of course, the exact treatment you’ll need will depend upon your specific diagnosis. But Augusta, Georgia accident attorneys encourage their clients to get treatment if they need it. This treatment will mean potentially significant expenses, and the victim deserves compensation for it.

Your attorney will demand that the insurance company of the at-fault driver pay for these and other damages. A fair settlement is always best, but if necessary, your attorney will take the matter to court. Having an experienced Augusta, Georgia automobile accident attorney will make all the difference to your compensation. A skilled attorney will review the evidence and consult expert witnesses about your condition. These witnesses can testify in court as to PTSD and what kind of future treatment you’ll need. This will help determine the amount of damages that your attorney will ask for. Your case begins by making a call to the right accident attorney who will fight for you.

Contact an Automobile Accident Attorney in Augusta, Georgia

The attorneys of Ted A. Greve & Associates work to ensure their clients get all the help they need. Whether the injuries are purely physical, or emotional and psychological as well, we will fight for you. Taking on the insurance companies is a tough job, but it’s what we do. If you have been in an accident and are suffering from PTSD, turn to our legal team today.