Is it Cheaper to Settle Your Atlanta Car Accident or Should You Go to Trial?

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One of the first things car accident victims ask their lawyers is how much it will cost to file suit. In most car accident cases, the insurance company either pays the victim’s claim or they’re willing to negotiate a settlement. This is especially true for smaller claims or those in which the defendant is clearly at fault. It isn’t worth it for the insurance company to fight these claims. Not only would they have to pay to defend the case, but they’d have to pay damages if their client lost in court.

Some plaintiffs think that, if they go to trial, they can get hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some even think they can get awarded millions of dollars. In reality, very few cases are worth that much. Your Atlanta car accident lawyer can only get you damages for the injuries you’ve actually suffered. And, once your medical bills are paid and your attorney deducts their attorney fees, there isn’t going to be a ton of money left.

Another thing people need to keep in mind is that it costs money to file suit. It is true that you don’t have to pay any of these costs upfront. Car accident lawyers in Georgia offer their clients a free initial consultation. They also work on a contingency basis. But, once your case is resolved, your attorney deserves to be reimbursed all of these costs and fees. This is why it’s always a good idea to think about settling your case rather than go to trial.

What are the Benefits to Settling Your Atlanta Car Accident Case?

One thing that most people don’t realize is that more than 95% of all car accident lawsuits settle. Very few of them go to trial. This is because a trial isn’t in anyone’s best interests. They are expensive and time consuming. There’s also the chance that you could lose in court and get nothing. That is why your Atlanta car accident lawyer will try in earnest to settle your case. They’ll continue to do this until the day of trial.

Some of the benefits of settling your case rather than going to trial include the following:

  • You’ll get a lump sum of money upfront rather than waiting to collect on a judgment
  • Your case will be resolved a lot faster than if it went to trial
  • Your attorney may charge a lower contingency rate if your case doesn’t require any legal action
  • You don’t run the risk of losing in court and getting nothing
  • Your case will resolve a lot faster than if you refuse to settle

Your Atlanta car accident attorney is not going to force you to settle. However, if they think the offer if fair, they’ll give you their honest opinion.

Trials Require a Lot More Money Than a Settlement

One of the main reasons it makes sense to consider settling rather than going to trial is that it’s cheaper. There are a lot of expenses involved with a lawsuit and trial. Some plaintiffs don’t realize this because they aren’t paying for these things out of pocket. However, if you choose to go to trial, your attorney will have to pay for the following:

  • Accident reconstruction specialist
  • Expert witnesses
  • Depositions
  • Motion fees
  • Travel expenses for certain witnesses

Rather than risk having to pay for all of these things once your case is resolved, it’s a good idea to consider settling instead.

Call and Talk to an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia

If you’ve been hurt in any sort of traffic accident, you’re going to need a lawyer. Even if you’re not seriously injured, you don’t have the kind of time it takes to handle this on your own. You also don’t have the expertise to make sure you get what you’re entitled to. Your Atlanta car accident lawyer will work hard to settle your case so you can get the money you deserve. They’ll deal with the insurance company on your behalf. And, if your case does have to go to court, they’ll be by your side every step of the way.

Call today and schedule your free initial consultation. Sit down with a seasoned car accident lawyer in Atlanta who can answer any questions you may have. They can also give you an idea of what your case may be worth. The consultation is free and you don’t have to pay a dime until your case is resolved.