How Can I Prove a Slip and Fall in an Atlanta Department Store?

Some people think that, just because you’ve fallen in a department store, you’re automatically entitled to damages. This isn’t true. You’re only eligible for damages if you were actually hurt. And, you’re only entitled to damages for injuries if you can prove a slip and fall case. Your Atlanta personal injury lawyer can help with this.

The department store does carry insurance to cover these sorts of accidents. However, they’re not going to be willing to pay a claim if they don’t think it really happened. One of the issues with slip and fall cases is that they can be hard to prove. It can also be hard to prove that they didn’t happen. A lot of defendants have been taken advantage of by false slip and fall cases. This is why they are super careful about what claims they’re willing to pay. They don’t want to give the impression that they’re willing to pay out every claim that walks through the door.

If you’ve suffered a slip and fall in a department store, you need to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia.

There are Certain Steps You Must Take Immediately After Your Slip and Fall

A lot of people have fallen in a public place. But most of us have never needed to file a lawsuit against the store we fell in. It really depends on how we got hurt and how serious our injuries are. This is probably why most people don’t know what they’re supposed to do after they fall in a store or other public building.

If you do suffer a slip and fall in a department store, there are certain things you need to do. These steps are actually quite similar to any other accident. As long as you follow these guidelines, you should give your personal injury attorney in Atlanta a good chance of proving your case.

  • Make sure you don’t get up – you have no idea how badly you are hurt
  • Ask a friend or employee to get a store manager
  • Fill out an incident or accident report
  • Go to the emergency room for medical treatment
  • Contact an experienced personal injury attorney in Atlanta

As long as you follow these steps, you should be able to preserve your claim for damages.

You May Be Entitled to Damages for Your Slip and Fall

If you fall in a department store, you’ll need to pursue their insurance company. All companies carry liability insurance for things like this. If a customer falls in their store, they understand they’ll have to pay damages. However, if you can’t prove that you were hurt, you won’t get anything.

Your Atlanta slip and fall attorney will demand the following:

  • Medical bills and future medical bills – Some people assume that a slip and fall is a simple case. How bad could your injuries really be? However, people do suffer serious injuries in a slip and fall. You could be entitled to damages for any medical bills you receive related to treatment for your injuries.
  • Lost wages and lost future earnings – If you hurt your back or knee in a slip and fall, you may miss some time from work. If you need surgery, it will be even worse. The defendant may be liable for any time you miss from work. Just keep in mind – you usually have to miss at least a couple of weeks before you would be able to claim damages.
  • Pain and suffering – Slip and fall accidents can be very painful. If you hit your head or injure your back, you could be in pain for quite some time. This means you may be able to demand damages for pain and suffering.

If you fall in a mall or department store, your Atlanta personal injury lawyer will do their best to prove your damages.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia Today

If you’re injured in a slip and fall accident, you’ll probably have to file an insurance claim against the property owner. After you file your claim, it could be denied. Your personal injury lawyer in Atlanta may have to prove a slip and fall actually occurred.

You probably have a lot of questions about your slip and fall case. You may not even know where to turn. If this is the case, call and speak with our personal injury law firm in Atlanta, GA. We’ll review your case and see if we can negotiate payment with the store’s insurance company.