What is the Benefit of Having an Attorney Who’s Also a Doctor?

There aren’t many people in this world willing to go to school long enough to become a lawyer. There are even fewer willing to spend years in school becoming a doctor. So, when you find someone who is both a lawyer and a doctor, you know you’ve found someone special.

The law is more intertwined with medicine than most people think. It’s not just a matter of understanding how the body works. It’s a matter of knowing what certain injuries really mean for your client. It also helps to understand how certain injuries take place and what may cause them.

There are a handful of lawyers in Georgia who are also medical doctors. The education and training this requires is immense. So, when you do meet with a car accident lawyer who is also a licensed doctor, you want to take advantage of it.

Doctors who practice law are unique individuals. The amount of time and commitment it takes to do this kind of work is extraordinary. Someone who’s both a doctor and a lawyer is truly committed to their clients.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you’d be lucky to find a car accident lawyer who also understands medicine. At Ted Greve and Associates, you’ll find this rare combination.

What Kind of Doctors are Useful in a Car Accident Case?

When you meet with your car accident lawyer, you’ll discuss your case in depth. There are a lot of questions your Atlanta injury lawyer may have. In order to properly prepare your case, your lawyer needs answers to these questions.

Some of the things you’ll need to discuss include:

  • What kind of injuries did you suffer?
  • What kind of treatment have you already had? What future treatment will you need?
  • Are you able to do the same kind of work you did before?
  • Are you experiencing any mental distress as a result of your accident?
  • How has the accident affected your personal life?

Your lawyer will make notes of all of this information. It will also give them a chance to see what kind of medical professionals you’ll need to prove your case.

Some of the doctors that can be a huge asset to your lawsuit include:

  • Chiropractic physicians
  • Podiatric physician
  • Medical doctors
  • Pain management experts

Having some of these doctors on staff can make all the difference when it comes to choosing your car accident injury law firm.

Medical Experts are Useful at Trial

Although most car accident cases settle out of court, some do indeed go to trial. This means that, at some point, your lawyer is going to have to put experts on the stand. In addition to your medical records, your attorney may have to provide further proof of your injuries. They’ll also need evidence to support your need for future medical treatment.

Medical experts can also be useful in proving what caused your injuries. Just like an auto mechanic is an expert on what caused your transmission to seize up, a doctor is an expert on what causes bodily harm.

In most cases, you’ll have to spend thousands of dollars hiring medical experts. You’ll have to pay their hourly rate. You may also have to pay for their transportation to and from trial. This can be very expensive.

If a law firm has some of these medical professionals on their team, it not only cuts down on costs, but it can be very convenient.

What Can a Medical Expert Testify About?

Lots of trials involve testimony by medical experts. These experts are used to prove a few things, including:

  • What caused your medical injuries?
  • What kind of injuries did you suffer?
  • Are you going to need future medical treatment?
  • Will you be able to do the same kind of work you did before the accident?
  • What kind of pain and suffering is associated with your injuries?

All of these things can help prove your case. Not only does it go directly to causation, but it can also prove what your future needs will be.

Call and Schedule Your Initial Consultation with an Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

If you or your loved one gets injured in a car accident, you need to call an Atlanta car accident lawyer. Your lawyer can consult with medical experts to see what your case may be worth. They can also answer any questions you may have.

Call today and schedule your initial consultation. It’s absolutely free and you pay nothing until you settle your case.