Do I Have an Atlanta Personal Injury Suit If I Get Bit by a Dog?

Dog bites can be scary and traumatizing. They often happen unexpectedly, and there is no way to stop the act of violence from occurring. Dog owners are responsible for the actions of their pet, and if you have been bitten by a dog, you deserve compensation for your injuries through an Atlanta personal injury lawsuit.

Dog bites can result in injuries that are very major and severe. In addition to scarring and injuries, they could affect your life for a long period of time. When bitten by a dog, you need to take legal action and get compensation to cover your medical bills as well as your pain and suffering.

When is a Dog Owner Liable for an Atlanta Personal Injury?

Dogs are unpredictable creatures and owners need to heed caution when they are around strangers. A dog owner is negligent if the dog that they own is off the leash. Dogs need to be on their leash when in public and failing to do so violates the law and gives you added leverage in your Atlanta personal injury case.

A dog owner is also liable for a dog bite when the animal is not under control or deemed a dangerous animal. Under the personal injury laws in Atlanta for dog bites, owners are also responsible if their dog does more injury than just biting. This falls under the state code laws and is enforceable in a court of law.

What Will I Get Paid for an Atlanta Personal Injury from a Dog Bite?

When you have suffered injuries because of a dog bite, you will want compensation for your medical expenses. You may need medical treatment to care for your dog bite injuries depending on how severe they were. If a dog has significantly attacked you or even a small child, the results can be quite damaging. Disfigurement, scarring, and disability can all occur.

Your compensation for your dog bite injuries will include medical care for current treatment as well as any additional future care that you would need. This can include doctor visits, surgery, physical therapy, prescriptions or even hospital stays that are necessary to care for your dog bite wounds.

As a victim of a dog bite, you are also entitled to compensation for lost wages should you miss work as part of the recovery from your dog bite injuries. This will provide a monetary settlement for the earnings that you missed out on due to your injuries. It also pays for any future work earnings that you may miss out on due to the severity and extent of your injuries.

Because a dog bite causes great emotional anguish, you can seek pain and suffering damages, as well. This can cover the emotional distress and mental suffering you endured at the hands of the dog because their owner did not have control over their pet.

Under the law for Atlanta personal injury cases, compensation can also be received for loss of enjoyment of your life. This means that you are no longer able to partake and enjoy the activities that you were able to in the past.

In the instance where a violent dog attack happens and the suffering of injuries is life altering or threatening, an award of consortium compensation occurs. Consortium is the loss of companionship whether it be through death or through a loss of mental and physical capacity.

What is the Deadline to File an Atlanta Personal Injury Case for a Dog Bite?

Dog bites, like other Atlanta personal injury lawsuits, are filed in accordance with the state statute of limitations. Under the law, you have two years from the date of the dog bite to file a personal injury lawsuit against a dog owner. Failing to adhere to this timeline could affect your compensation and can cause the dismissal of your case without being tried.

Due to the deadline for filing, it is important that you seek the assistance of an Atlanta personal injury attorney to help you determine if you have a case. They can make sure your suit is filed in a timely manner and prove liability against a dog owner that has a dog that attacked and bitten you.

Can an Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney Help Me With a Dog Bite Case?

You want the assistance of an Atlanta personal injury attorney when bitten by a dog. The laws for dog bites are complex and a dog owner may try to pin some of the fault of the accident on you. Your personal injury attorney has the responsibility of proving the dog in question was vicious and dangerous as well as out of the control of the owner. This can be a challenging process if the dog has never bitten another person before.

An Atlanta personal injury attorney can help prove fault in a dog bite case and make sure that you receive compensation for your injuries. They will be able to work with the comparative fault laws of Atlanta and reduce your fault in the accident. This is important as showing fault or negligence in a personal injury case can cause a reduced total settlement award. If it is determined that you are 50 percent or more at fault, you may not receive any settlement award at all.

By working with an Atlanta personal injury attorney, you can avoid this scenario from occurring in your case and receive the maximum compensation for your injuries. An attorney can also help you avoid a lengthy court battle as many cases settle out of court, where your lawyer will negotiate with insurance companies to provide a settlement for your dog bite injuries.

Consult with a Georgia Personal Injury Attorney Today

Victims of a dog attack deserve compensation and the Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Ted A. Greve & Associates can get you a settlement for your injuries. They can advise you on the legal process for obtaining compensation and help fight for your rights in court. Contact us today to set up a consultation.